As certified John Maxwell Team coaches, trainers and speakers, we aim to add value to you by bringing you all the amazing teachings, tools and practices that John C. Maxwell has spent over 40 years developing. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn directly from him either.
John Maxwell’s life philosophy is really simple. Add value to people. And he lives by his word – he’ll add value to anyone who’s willing to hear him out. So, hear him out!
Resources available to you (for free!)
Minute with Maxwell
Minute with Maxwell is a series of daily coaching videos (you guessed it, 1 minute long) directly from John himself. But wait, there’s more! When you sign up, you also receive “A Leader’s Path”, a 3-part video series.
I’m sure your mailbox is full of daily emails and snippets that you thought were a good idea when you first signed up, but now just delete automatically without even reading the subject. But believe me when I say this is different – if you dedicate a minute (come on guys, a minute is nothing!) each morning to listening to John’s nugget for the day, you’ll be all the better for it. If nothing else, it might just be the motivation you need to get through another day at the office! Sign up here
John Maxwell Leadership Podcast
This is self-explanatory, but there a few things you should know. For one, this is very new (like not even a month old kind of new). Even for us members of The John Maxwell Team, this is incredibly exciting because it’s brought a whole new level and perspective to John’s teachings because of the “live” factor.
Together with its hosts Mark Cole (CEO, The John Maxwell Enterprise) and Richard Chancy (President of the Personal Leadership Solutions Team at The John Maxwell Company), they’ll cover some of the most important topics in leadership, starting with leadership blind spots. This is such an important topic for leaders, and they spend several episodes on the topic. In fact, at the time of publishing this post, there are already four episodes about leadership blind spots. Check out our blog about this very topic here, and subscribe to podcast on your favorite podcast app (search: John Maxwell Leadership Podcast). You can also subscribe to receive notifications about new episodes here
Goal Setting Online Course
This is actually not from John Maxwell himself, but from Paul Martinelli, President of The John Maxwell Team and CEO of Paul Martinelli & Associates. Now it has to be said that Paul’s personal story is incredibly powerful. High-school drop-out with a really bad stutter. Didn’t really think he had much of a future, was a janitor and was stuck in a life rut. Fast forward to today, he’s a multimillionaire and is the mastermind behind The John Maxwell Team, the fastest-growing leadership and skills training program in the world.
The six-part course takes you through goal-setting – you know what it is but do you know how to stick to it? For longer than one week? No? Then perhaps you should listen to Paul!
No matter where a person is in their development goal setting and goal achieving may be the most important factors in a person living their full potential.
That should get you started, interested and most importantly motivated to keep growing – growing your leadership skills, growing your personal development and growing your awareness of just how much you are capable of doing and being. As John himself says, “You have to see value in yourself to add value to yourself.”